Pre-Couple Marriage School
"The most amazing companion of life"
To all prospective couples about to get married --
Bless you!
The home is the first church. The family is also the place where you lay the foundation of your faith, receive training, practice your faith, and bear fruit. A healthy church is built on the soil of a healthy family. At the same time, a healthy church becomes a fence that builds a healthy family. When the family and the church work together to solidify their faith, they will bear fruit as believers who grow up as people of God 24/7 in good health.
In order to build a healthy family, the couple who form the basic unit of the family must have a vision for a family that is ruled by God. Marriage school is for loving couples to have a vision of a family full of joy in heaven.
The pastor's couple and the prospective couple meet together to study and share the 5-week curriculum. Let's learn the purpose and principle of marriage that pleases God through meeting, dating, and marriage of married couples in the Bible every week, and prepare for marriage with the Word and prayer!
5-week curriculum
Week 1 ㅣ Genesis 1 - 2 & 17 - 18 ㅣ The Biblical meaning and principle of marriage
Week 2 ㅣ Genesis 2, 11 - 12, 28, and Ephesians 6 ㅣ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b58d-136About a marriage that pleases God
Week 3 ㅣ Acts 18 ㅣThe Story of Priscilla and Aquila
Week 4 ㅣ 1 Samuel 25 ㅣ The story of David and Abigail
Week 5 ㅣ Ruth 2 -Chapter 3 ㅣ The story of Ruth and Boaz
Apply for 2024 Marriage School
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