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youth group

뉴블청년부 ㅣ 애틀랜타 한인교회 새축복교회
2024 뉴블청년부.gif

youth worship

Click to watch the youth group worship video!​

Youth Group Instagram  

Click to see the Youth Department 2024 bulletin!  

Click to see more church photos!

worship time  l  Sunday 1:30 PM

Text of the Word ㅣActs 

Online bulletin ㅣIncludes the order of worship for each Sunday and cell Bible study questions.

One hour before the service, all young people online bulletinReceive.

​Please refer to the bulletin for the order and contents of the service.

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Bible study by cell

Bible study by cell l After worship, 3pm-4pm  

The time may vary slightly depending on the Bible study sharing situation in each cell.

In the first half of 2024, 5 cells will gather and share the words from the Book of studyI'm doing it. 

Online bulletin ㅣIncludes the order of worship each Sunday and cell Bible study questions.

One hour before the service, all youth receive an online bulletin.

​For today’s cell Bible study content and questions, please refer to the bulletin.

Click to view the 2024 Youth Service Bulletin and Bible Study!

야생 꽃
아틀란타 청년부 - 새축복교회 청년예배 뉴블청년부 새가족반

​Youth Department New Family Class

New family class time  l  Sunday 3-4 PM

After the service, when we divide into cells and study the Bible, new families gather separately and take a new family class.

3 weeks in progress  l  It will be conducted in 3 chapters over a total of 3 times.

​The order of the chapters will proceed according to the members coming that week.

Click for details on the new family class!


After completing the new family class  l Climb and become part of Cello. You are invited to the youth group chat room and cell room to share various church situations and share the word and life.  

​Communion / Meal / Cell Outing

Late lunch - Let's have an early evening together l

After Bible study ends a little after 4 p.m., all cells gather again in the fellowship hall. We eat together.

You are free to go home, but the meals at church are so delicious every week and the fellowship you share is great.Because school is fun, most of us stay and eat together.

cell outing l

​A special, sticky, and enjoyable time with each other once every two months!

The date is fixed, so we all have a cell outing on the same Sunday.

​There is no Bible study on this day.

야생 꽃
새축복교회 청년부와 밀알선교회.gif

​I’m going to meet Milal friends

Milal Homepagel Click

time together  l 

Third Saturday of every month, 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

2024 with our church together What about the classroom of love?

January 20th  / February 17 / March 16 / April 20 /

May 18th / June 15th / July 20th / August 17th /

​September 21 / October 19 / November 16 / December 21

A day together  l 

Let’s worship together,  Praise, study the Bible,

We have lunch, play together, exercise, and do crafts.

people together  l 

People who want to worship together with Milal friends, people who want to play together,  Anyone who wants to talk together, everyone goes together.

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